
Alexandros Pagidas is one of the key conspirators at TheGlint, a global network of multidisciplinary live-work spaces that would serve as a rite of passage for a redesigned conception of heroism. TheGlint is a live-work community that accelerates the creation and creators of value through design, philosophy, the arts & sciences, technology and entrepreneurship. It aspires to shift the conception of heroism from historical warrior ideals to a new paradigm of creativity, collaboration and innovation. The house has seven bedrooms, four storeys and located near Twin Peaks, overlooking the city. TheGlint would serve as a distributed home for global citizens and nomads alike. Through an ever expanding creative and entrepreneurial global network we will discover, connect and empower the next generation of heroes. TheGlint will create havens for agile minds and open hearts to interact, learn and leverage each other’s expertise to become a pervasive force of good in the world. Alexandros has a Masters in Philosophy from The University of Reading and a Bachelors also in Philosophy from American College of Greece and he gave a talk on the University of the Future at BIL 2009.